Parent Information 

Webelos Weekend 2023 - Parent's Info & FAQ's

Hello Webelos Weekenders,
We are looking forward to seeing you next weekend March 10-12. My name is Pat Leonard and I am your Camp Director for the weekend. I wanted to briefly share with you that we have an exciting weekend planned for you. You should know that scouts and parents will be sleeping separately in assigned cabins. This is not an event where you will need a tent. Your scout will participate through 7 camp stations while learning valuable skills as a member of a patrol.

The weekend itself offers an excellent opportunity for your webelo to form new friendships, strengthen scout skills, and gain independence. Where cub scouts has typically been adult led, this weekend is scout led. We ask parents to take a step back and allow their scouts to succeed and to fail all on their own. This is a learning environment and our weekend is equipping your webelo for life inside a future scout troop. In addition to skills stations, scouts will participate in a flag retirement, fire bowl, and scout’s own. Saturday will also present a merit badge midway. The midway is an opportunity to discover a taste of the merit badges available for your scout to achieve.

Parents relax, we’ve got you. Hot chocolate and coffee will be available. We also have plenty in store for you. Throughout the afternoon you can attend parent breakouts on becoming a BSA Troop Committee member, discover principals of Leave No Trace, and learn Cub and Scouting differences through an Intro to Scouting. You are also free to wander the camp and watch your scout participate as they learn valuable lessons in knots, fire building, lashings, first aid, camping, compass, and sharp objects.

We look forward to seeing you soon. Please reach out if you have additional questions.


Pat Leonard
WW 2023 Director

Here are a few Frequently Asked Questions by parents about Webelos Weekend.

Please download and review the 2023 parent's guide for more information.

1. How much does it cost?
The price for the weekend is $40 per person to cover supplies (ropes, prizes, etc.) as well as food for the day. That means that the cost for a Webelos and parent is $80. This event is staffed entirely by volunteers so we can keep the cost down.

2. What time should I arrive?
Check in will be 7pm on Friday night, plan on 2 hours driving time from the Tacoma area, due to heavy traffic. Download the complete event schedule here

3. What time is checkout?
Dismissal on Sunday is scheduled for 10:45 AM. Cabin clean out begins at 9:30. Parents will want to arrive by 10 AM to receive gear and attend the awards ceremony.

There are also prizes for the Camp Wide Games winners. If you won’t be able to stay through the awards ceremony, please let one of the Directors know so they can give your things to you before you leave.

4. What should I bring with me?
Your Webelos will need their Class A uniforms (Blue or Tan BSA shirt) along with a change of clothes. When the weather is bad, it’s always a good idea to bring an extra pair of shoes as well. A good rain coat is always important (remember, the Scout motto is 'Be Prepared').

In addition, your Webelos will need to bring their Ten Essentials to carry around with them. These may be checked at one or more of the skills stations during the camp wide games! You can find the list of Ten Essentials in your Cub Scout or Scouts BSA handbook. A Class 1 personal health history form (Parts A&B) is also required for each person staying in camp. Please ensure you bring a completed BSA Health Form with you.

Please download and review the 2023 parent's guide for more information.

What should I expect from the weekend?
We have received some comments from parents that they were not sure what to expect from the weekend. Please remember this weekend is designed to help your Webelos learn about the exciting opportunities available to them in Scouts BSA. It will also be a chance for you to network with potential Scouts BSA leaders and troops and find a good fit for your family and schedule. But everything will be focused on the Webelos participating in the weekend, so plan on a good amount of time relaxing and talking with your other parents in your child's patrol.
